Course Descriptions

University of Phoenix Online

Masters of Arts in Education with a Specialization in Adult Education and Distance Learning


I am a graduate student attending the University of Phoenix On-line. This is an incredible approach in getting my Masters Degree without interrupting both my personal and professional lives. The courses are very challenging but interesting, and for me this a marvelous opportunity for me to learn at this outstanding institution of higher learning.

The completion date for my Master of Education Degree with Specialization in Adult Learning and Distance Learning is April 2005. This Graduate Program of work comprises the following twelve courses, and each a link to the description of the class.

Please note that these descriptions were copied from the University of Phoenix's Web Page.

I have used the color blue to illustrate the classes which I have completed, the color pink to identify the class in progress; while the color orange  identifies classes yet to be taken.

Please click on each class title for that particular class description.

Course Course Title Course Credits Start Date End Date Instructor
Com /516 Professional Communications 1 12/12/2002 01/15/2003 David Dean Gaulco
EDTC 510 Foundations of Distance Education and Training 2 07/10/2003 08/06/2004 Rita Purcell-Robertson
CUR /524 Instructional Design 3 09/18/2004 10/29/2004 Robert Roberg
EDTC /526 Assessment and Evaluation in E-Education 3 11/20/2004 01/21/2004 Mary Poe
QNT /540 Research and Ethics in Education 3 02/05/2004 03/17/2004 Margaret Levins
EDTC /550 Information Technology 3 03/18/2004 04/28/2004 Jamie Telesca
EDTC /555 Internet and Distance Education 3 05/13/2004 06/23/2004 Sabine Sennoner
EDD /511 Adult Learning: Theories, Principles and Applications 3 07/01/2004 08/11/2004 Sandra Weden
EDTC /560 Application of Multimedia and Web Page Design 3 09/09/2004 10/20/2004 Elaine Collins-Brown
EDTC /570 Courseware Authoring 3 10/28/2004 12/15/2004  
EDTC /575 E-Education in the Global Environment 3 01/05/2005 02/16/2005  
EDTC /590 E-Education Capstone 3 02/24/2005 04/06/2005  

Course Descriptions

Com /516  Professional Communications

This course provides new graduates students in University of Phoenix programs with an introduction to strategies for academic success within the University of Phoenix adult learning model. topic include oral and written communication, methods for finding and evaluating course resources, critical thinking, the purpose and use of portfolios, programs standards, stress and time management, and Learning Team Processes.

EDTC 510  Foundations of Distance Education and Training

This course focuses on the principles of distance education as a medium for course, degree or training-based instructions. The history, philosophies and best practices associated with distance learning will be presented and analyzed. Current critical issues that impact the teaching/learning environment in distance delivery modalities also will be examined.

CUR /524 Instructional Design

This course is designed to provide students with the instructional planning skills they need to develop educational course and materials. Student will study the relevant theories of instructional design and apply proven procedures for designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating objectives-based instruction. Specific focus will be given to the creation of materials appropriate for adult learners in classrooms and learning at a distance, including attention to life experiences, entry-level skills, motivational needs, and modes of delivery.

EDTC /526 Assessment and Evaluation in E-Education

This course focuses on developing the skills necessary to become effective assessors of adult learners. Students learn the fundamentals of traditional testing and explore how to design alternative assessments in an electronic environment. Interpretation of assessment data, strategies for tracking student progress, and communicating results based on clear criteria and standards will be presented. Critical assessment issues facing distance education programs will be analyzed and debated.

QNT /540  Research and Ethics in Education

This course is an overview of the fundamentals of research and is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills needed to be successful in graduate level studies. Ethical issues related to research, including basic theory and practice, professional codes of ethics, governmental regulations, confidentiality, and present and future controversies surrounding the integration of technology into instructional processes will be of focus. Students will address the issues of information and intellectual property, privacy issues in a digital environment, and the relationship of individual, governmental and societal concerns in an ever advancing and changing electronic community.

EDTC /550 Information Technology

This course is an overview of information technology and covers hardware, software, programming, operating systems, databases, networking, telecommunications, and the Internet. The purpose is to give a basic understanding of information technology that can be used as a foundation on which to build e-education application courses.

EDTC /555  Internet and Distance Education

This course compares and contrasts different education delivery systems. Both asynchronous and synchronous deliveries are explored. An emphasis is placed upon Internet delivery and Internet course management solutions.

EDD /511  Adult Learning: Theories, Principles, and Applications

This course focuses on adult development and learning theories. Students will identify the stages of adult development and examine the concept of andragogy versus pedagogy. Major theories of adult learning and how they relate to instructional practices will be explored. Intelligence, learning styles, and motivation are discussed in the context of teaching adult learners. Emphasis will be placed on teaching and learning models and strategies and effective practices in distance education

EDTC /560  Application of Multimedia and Web Page Design

This course examines different elements of multimedia and then applies them to presentations solutions that range from Microsoft PowerPoint to Web pages. Basic HTML is covered as well as the integration of multimedia into Web page design.

EDTC /570  Courseware Authoring

This course compares and contrasts different approaches to courseware authoring. A development life cycle model is examined that includes analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation, delivery and support. An emphasis is placed upon the design and development of Web delivered courseware.

EDTC /575  E-Education in the Global Environment

This course focuses on the business of distance education from a global perspective. Educational systems, cultural differences as well as curricula of various global environments are explored. Students will study political and cultural issues that impact education and its delivery of education through distance (education) modalities.

EDTC /590  E-Education Capstone

This is the final course in the E-Education program. Students will synthesize and integrate theories and practices learned from all courses in the program and apply them toward the development of a culminating design project. This course is an exercise in the practical application of new knowledge learned so that students exiting the program will be proficient in constructing courses and rich learning environment for effective instruction with a variety of learners.


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